Results for 'Leslie Nan-Kwai Lo'

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  1.  21
    Peking Man.Madeline K. Spring, Cao Yu Ts'ao Yü, Leslie Nan-Kwai Lo, Don Cohn, Michelle Vosper & Cao Yu Ts'ao Yu - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):503.
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    Arts Education in the Mass Cultural System of China.Leslie Nai-Kwai Lo - 1989 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (1):101.
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    Chinese Communism: Community and the Problem L’objet a or revenant.Kwai-Cheung Lo - 1993 - American Journal of Semiotics 10 (1/2):201-216.
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    Legal Barriers to Implementing Recommendations for Universal, Routine Prenatal HIV Testing.Leslie E. Wolf, Bernard Lo & Lawrence O. Gostin - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):137-147.
    Administraation of antiretroviral therapy to women during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and to infants postnatally can dramatidy reduce mother-to- child HIV transmission. However, pregnant women need to know that they are HIV-infected to take advantage of antiretroviral therapy, and many women do not know their HIV status. One-half of HIV-infected infants in the United States were bornto women who had not been tested for HIV or for whom the time of testing was not known. Although fewer than 400infants are infected (...)
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    Practicing Safer Research Using the Law to Protect the Confidentiality of Sensitive Research Data.Leslie E. Wolf & Bernard Lo - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (5):4.
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    Untapped potential: IRB guidance for the ethical research use of stored biological materials.Leslie E. Wolf & Bernard Lo - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 26 (4):1-8.
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  7. Theorizing Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in China (review). [REVIEW]Kwai-Cheung Lo - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):497-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theorizing Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in ChinaKwai-Cheung LoTheorizing Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in China. By Kam Louie. Cam-bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. 239. Hardcover U.S. $60.00.In Theorizing Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in China Kam Louie offers us a very clear and concise analysis of the cultural models of Chinese masculinity from ancient imperial times to the present age of transnational contact. Although academic works (...)
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    The Certificate of Confidentiality Application: A View from the NIH Institutes.Leslie E. Wolf, Jola Zandecki & Bernard Lo - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 26 (1):14.
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  9. Han yü lo chi hsüeh.Yao-nan Chʻen - 1977
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    Filosofía del derecho general: ensayo del 25 aniversario.Leslie Green - 2009 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (3):289-320.
    Surveying developments in a quarter-century of Anglophone legal philosophy, Leslie Green argues that there has been progress in some problems, such as the understanding of rules and reasons in the law; that in other areas —in particular, in discussions of the relationship between law and morality— there has been a marked narrowing of attention; and that with respect to the relationship between law and coercion, we have advanced very little beyond HLA Hart’s 1961 argument against reductionism. Here, we have (...)
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  11. El Sistema Educativo Mexicano: una perspectiva propositiva hacia 2030.Leslíe Serna Hernández - 2025 - Voces de la Educación 10 (19):41-60.
    El texto analiza los desafíos estructurales y propone acciones estratégicas hacia un sistema educativo inclusivo y de calidad en México, alineado con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Se abordan temas como calidad, equidad, formación docente, digitalización evaluación y gobernanza, destacando el impacto de la pandemia. Basado en propuestas de la UNESCO, el texto enfatiza la necesidad de un esfuerzo colectivo para transformar la educación en un motor de desarrollo sostenible y justicia social.
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    Migración interna y proyecto de vida de las mujeres jóvenes indígenas en Chiapas, México.Diana Leslie Mendoza Robles, José Alfredo Jáuregui Díaz & María de Jesús Ávila Sánchez - 2023 - Odeere 8 (2):75-91.
    La investigación tiene como objetivo mostrar las características de las mujeres jóvenes indígenas chiapanecas que llevan a cabo un desplazamiento migratorio laboral a diversas zonas del estado y al interior de la república mexicana para emplearse como trabajaras domésticas, a través de entrevistas a profundidad porque permiten contextualizar los distintos escenarios y reconstruir sus historias de vida. Migrar constituye una acción voluntaria con implicaciones en el proyecto de vida.
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    Red de educadores matemáticos críticos.Martha Cecilia Clavijo-Riveros, Edna Paola Fresneda-Patiño & Lesly Tatiana Galvis-Bejarano - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:524-534.
    Actualmente, somos integrantes de la Red de Educadores Matemáticos Críticos (REDUMAC) y encontramos relevante, estudiar los caminos transitados, los desafíos que hemos asumido con la intención de transformar las prácticas matemáticas desde la escuela, así como hacer evidente las posibilidades de nuestra apuesta teórica, metodológica y las formas de trabajo como colectivo de maestros. Este colectivo surge del interés y preocupación de profesionales en educación por continuar la formación que habíamos puesto en marcha desde el desarrollo de nuestros trabajos de (...)
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  14. Shaw-Kwei Moh. Lo-chch'i hsi-t'ung ti ting-isei wun-ti . Nan-king Ta-hsüeh hsüeh-pao tse-jan k'o-hsüeh pan vol. 1 no. 3, pp. 801–809. [REVIEW]Hao Wang - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):182-182.
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    La intervención psicosocial en un contexto investigativo: "Lecturas psico-sociales sobre jóvenes agrópolis - sector rural - desde diversos actores que los intervienen".Martha Patricia Peláez Romero, Oscar Enrique Cañon Ortiz & Nestor Mario Noreña Noreña - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:191-201.
    En el presente documento se c onceptualiza la intervención d esde diferentes acepciones, siendo el sentido psicosocial de la intervención , la opción de sus autores. Lo s avances conceptuales sobre int ervención psicosocial reflexio nan sobre los "planes de desarrollo" municipales colombianos, en co..
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    Experiencia y cuerpo animado en el espectro autista. Evaluando los alcances y límites del DSM-5.Andrés Felipe Villamil Lozano - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (S3):137-156.
    Se aborda de forma crítica la exposición del desorden del espectro autista llevada a cabo en la quinta y última edición del Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), herramienta principal de muchos psiquiatras para comprender y diagnosticar cualquier psicopatología. Con este abordaje se busca evidenciar cómo, en el DSM-5 –al igual que en la interpretación inaugurada por Baron-Cohen, Leslie y Frith–, se deja de lado la experiencia y el cuerpo animado del paciente, por lo que es aconsejable (...)
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    Necessary Knowledge: Piagetian Perspectives on Constructivism.Leslie Smith & Leslie Allan Smith - 1993 - Psychology Press.
    The main conclusion drawn in this text is that Piaget's accounts of the construction of necessary knowledge continue to have an intelligible and respectable bases.
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    Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains.Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littman & Anthony R. Cassandra - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):99-134.
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    The jealous God.Leslie Paul - 1955 - London,: G. Bles.
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    Kant's System of Rights.Leslie Arthur Mulholland - 1990 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book marks a total departure from previous studies of the Boxer War. It evaluates the way the war was perceived and portrayed at the time by the mass media. As such the book offers insights to a wider audience than that of sinologists or Chinese historians. The important distinction made by the author is between image makers and eyewitnesses. Whole categories of powerful image makers, both Chinese and foreign, never saw anything of the Boxer War but were responsible for (...)
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  21. Lectures and Essays.W. K. Clifford, Leslie Stephen & F. Pollock - 1879 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 9:450-463.
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    Logic Matters.Leslie Stevenson - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (93):365-366.
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  23. The science Of Ethics.Leslie Stephen - 1884 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 17:296-305.
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  24. 38. Feminist Antipornography Legislation.Lisa Duggan, Nan Hunter & Carole Vance - 1993 - In James P. Sterba, Morality in practice. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth. pp. 326.
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    Biological Rhythms and Individual Differences in Consciousness.Benjamin Wallace Leslie E. Fisher - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace, Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 337.
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    Varieties of nothingness.Dean Rickles & Leslie A. Stein (eds.) - 2024 - Asheville, North Carolina: Chiron Publications.
    This book explores the many and diverse ways in which nothingness is weaved into the fabric of our existence. It can express the very ground of reality or a cessation of mind: a winking out, as well as being a guide for painting meditative states. It is inescapably linked with the divine in many traditions as a precondition of our existence. It is the Pleroma before consciousness and the gateway to enlightenment. While these essays are indeed wide ranging and eclectic, (...)
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    Gaslight, Distillation, and the Industrial Revolution.Leslie Tomory - 2011 - History of Science 49 (4):395-424.
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    Implicit religion, Anglican cathedrals, and spiritual wellbeing: The impact of carol services.Leslie J. Francis, Ursula McKenna & Francis Stewart - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    Rooted in the field of cathedral studies, this paper draws into dialogue three bodies of knowledge: Edward Bailey’s notion of implicit religion that, among other things, highlights the continuing traction of the Christian tradition and Christian practice within secular societies; David Walker’s notion of the multiple ways through which in secular societies people may relate to the Christian tradition as embodied within the Anglican Church and John Fisher’s notion of spiritual wellbeing as conceptualised in relational terms. Against this conceptual background, (...)
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    Looking at the birds, considering the lilies, and perceiving God’s grace in the countryside : an empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory.Leslie J. Francis, Greg Smith & Jeff Astley - 2022 - Rural Theology: International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives 20 (1):38-51.
    This study is situated within the newly emerging interest in the concept of grace as a legitimate topic for empirical enquiry, and draws on the theoretical framework provided by the SIFT approach to biblical hermeneutics, an approach rooted in reader-perspective hermeneutical theory and in Jungian psychological type theory. Data were draw from two one-day workshops with Anglican Readers (lay ministers). On each occasion the participants were invited to divide into three separate groups according to their preferences for sensing or intuition (...)
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    (1 other version)History of English thought in the eighteenth century.Leslie Stephen - 1902 - New York,: G. P. Putnam's sons; [etc., etc.].
    Leslie Stephen (1832–1904) was a writer, philosopher and literary critic whose work was published widely in the nineteenth century. As a young man Stephen was ordained deacon, but he later became agnostic and much of his work reflects his interest in challenging popular religion. This two-volume work, first published in 1876, is no exception: it focuses on the eighteenth-century deist controversy and its effects, as well as the reactions to what Stephen saw as a revolution in thought. Comprehensive and (...)
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    Do Ducks Lay Eggs? How People Interpret Generic Assertions.Sangeet Khemlani, Sarah-Jane Leslie, Sam Glucksberg & Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2007 - Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Undesirable implications of disclosing individual genetic results to research participants.Leslie A. Meltzer - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):28 – 30.
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    Hiring labourers for the vineyard and making sense of God's grace at work: An empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory and ordinary theology.Leslie J. Francis, Greg Smith & Jeff Astley - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–10.
    The Matthean parable of the labourers in the vineyard is open to multiple interpretations. For some, the parable may speak of God's unlimited grace and generosity; for others the parable may speak of God's unfairness. The present study is set within the context of an emerging interest in the concept of grace as a topic for empirical enquiry. The study draws on the theoretical framework provided by the notion of ordinary theology and employs the sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking (SIFT) (...)
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    The dawning of a past: the emergence of long-term explicit memory in infancy.Leslie J. Carver & Patricia J. Bauer - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4):726.
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    Platonic Creation.John Leslie - 2007 - In Immortality Defended. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 16–34.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Good of Plato as a Creative Principle God as a Creative Principle; God as a Creating Person; or God as the Entire Cosmos Initial Objections to the Platonic Theory If the Platonic Approach is Correct, Why Struggle to Produce Good Things? How Creative Power might be Real Necessarily Creative Value Would Not Be Something Complex.
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    The Nirvana Fallacy and the Return of Results.Leslie G. Biesecker - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (2):43-44.
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    Objective and practical history.Leslie R. Perry - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 1 (1):35–48.
    Leslie R Perry; Objective and Practical History, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 35–48,
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    Ecological and social approaches to face perception.Leslie Zebrowitz - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press. pp. 31.
    This article provides an ecological theory of face perception that elucidates the basis of the various perceptions. It then reviews research on first impressions elicited by facial qualities that are associated with fitness, emotion, race, age, and sex, in each case making links to ecological theory. It aims to identify facial qualities that inform social perceptions and reflect the zeitgeist at the time in social psychology. The emphasis is on understanding the cognitive mechanisms engaged in social perception, and this is (...)
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  39. Change Beyond Syncretism: Ouyi Zhixu’s () Buddhist Hermeneutics of the Yijing ().Yuet Keung Lo - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (2):273-295.
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    La philosophie comme un roman: de Socrate à Arendt, les philosophes répondent à nos questions.Laurence Hansen-Löve - 2018 - [Québec]: Les Presses de l'Université Laval. Edited by Laure Becdelièvre & Fabien Lamouche.
    Les auteurs du présent ouvrage nous proposent une manière originale de se réapproprier l'histoire de la philosophie. Par le dialogue, les philosophes de la tradition semblent revivre pour faire le point sur leur cheminement. Socrate, Kant, Marx, Arendt et bien d'autres répondent aux questions de Laure Becdelièvre, Laurence Hansen-Löve et Fabien Lamouche. Au fil de ces conversations imaginaires, nous découvrons comment l'esprit de résistance a pu s'incarner à travers les figures de penseurs aussi profonds que subtils et aussi novateurs qu'insoumis."--Résumé (...)
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    Law and the Community: The End of Individualism?Allan C. Hutchinson & Leslie Green - 1989 - Carswell Legal Publications.
    Based on a conference held at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 24-25 March, 1988.
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    Experiencia y deseo.Bily López - 2021 - Culiacán de Rosales, Sinaloa: Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
    "Años después, el vital y vitalista encargado de la primera comisión etílica del siglo asiste en vivo y en directo a la muerte de la Escuela de Frankfurt y, lo que es verdaderamente decisivo, a la desaparición de las comisiones etílicas. Entretanto, ha manoseado territorios, aporías e intensidades, se ha fugado y se ha confesado como un filósofo: excesivo y excedido, sacudido por el canto escéptico y a un tiempo candoroso de su propia risa afirmativa. Experiencia y deseo es la (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Metodología de lo suprasensible.Alfonso López Quintás - 1963 - Madrid,: Editora Nacional.
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    Para una lógica dialéctica simbólica.Emilio López Medina - 1976 - Jaén: El autor.
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  45. Confessing the Gospel Mark Preached.Edmund Perry & C. Leslie Mitton - 1957
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    Apareser: la poética de la configuración.López Rivas & Víctor Gerardo - 2021 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  47. Literatura e información.Emilio Sosa López - 1972 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  48. Le doute philosophique.Leslie Stephen - 1880 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 10:233.
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    The Study of human nature: readings.Leslie Forster Stevenson (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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  50. The Wendland case, withdrawing life support from incompetent patients who are not terminally ill.Bernard Lo [ - 2006 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti, The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics at the end of life. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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